Snake Bite Human, Who Killed The snake?
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If you asked yourself quietly in refection
A minute ticked by
'Yes. You, but not you.'
So now you are asking who killed the man?
We all know human evolution is about the origin of human beings and some believed according to scientific knowledge man transformed from animal. It was known for centuries that man and the Apes were related. At heart, their anatomy is similarly by research.
However, the first book of Mosses, called Genesis. In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. With non-living beings and living beings. Finally, HE created man in his own image Male and Female.
Now, we are floundering in belief of both like great waves in an ocean in correctable responded. Some said the book of Genesis is truth likewise other said a man is an origin of Apes. To addressed this question was a man are real human or man are animals? When you studied the characters of man sometimes it worse than animals. In an interim question let examine how man is poisoned to other humans.
Human beings are unique species which can comprehend; to understand and knowledge of learning and reasoning. Having ways of looking at the world that make sense of oneself and other people, forgiving those who done wrong, not being vengeful and being careful about one.
God has given us in such superior wisdom to experience. Is praising him accomplished?
In mid-time man put himself like a pouring water on spiritual flame of mighty creation and destroyed all those blessing associated with the spirit of human animal. What an ephemeral sense of humanity in this so called earth?
I can says; the Human-animal was a parasite thoughts in human for an act of brutal.
Sources of Human-animal are when man become being selfish looking out for one's gains, not sharing things with others. Being arrogant, dishonest, disrespectful, hateful, jealous, loafer and being yucky. Being angry you-you lose all sense of reasoning ,calm and saying all those hurtful thing to other. A bite from a snake is agonizing due to the effects of the venom. A bite from human is likewise very painful-the pain comes vicious and it caused damaged to humanity and their mind is malicious gossip and still needle sharp, so can go straight to cause bruised and maltreat. Still, in term of a poisonous level. The extreme sharpness and wicked mind of human means that wrenching you around.
What a snake in the grass to be called human?
{Read a story in upcoming page**}
Its hard to believe that we are in the 21st century. We behave as if the world was still unsafe and dangerous. People express their opinion to hurt others, to silence opposite thoughts instead of using their voice to make things better. Our heart has becomes completely incapable as hatred has taken over our emotions.
"The dear friend you played with as a boy might now knock on your door and shoot your mother in the face." _Dale M.Kusher.
Why you will sometimes go out of the way to hurt one another spending your time, energy and money to make someone else uncomfortable is just plan sadistic, as well as a waste of the most valuable thing you have- the precious minutes in your life.
"Place of prominence by viciously attacking a human"
Telling an ethnic-slurring joke may seem harmless; yet if we have been the brunt of such a joke, we feel it poisonous barb. How could former friends and neighbours suddenly commit egregious acts of brutal?
Snake bite human-human were venom snake They hurt one another and poisoned owns, level of viciousness so-called it-to commit violence to satisfy instrumental goals and self interest.
One more pile of pain on a vast desolate plain, poisoned for centuries were only human in time to come.
Everything that exist everywhere on this earth so the existence of human-animal was to extinguish at once and for all. Some animals demonstrate a greater aptitude for reasoning than others. Human is at the top of that list, animals killed other species in self-defence and may habituate an animal and to eat human flesh or to attacking a human. The way a zoologist would carefully observe any other animals, or see as the way every other creature be more evident or horrifying and human does the same in case to kill other.
We tend to think of ourselves as existing apart from other species. A human can reason and down knowledge to future generations. This ability makes it seem like we base our action mainly upon rationality but how do we reconcile that with the act of eliminating other members of our species?
Human is the most vicious killers of their kind. We are most relentless yet oblivious killers on earth. When a skyscraper is scraped up, as airplanes are mutated into missiles. When houses of worship become slaughterhouses of hate. When millions flee across the globe from their homes in Syria bombed into a man-male hell on earth.
When police in moments of fear fire first and question later, and when they picked off by a sniper like points in a pointless video game. When law and lawyer buy a justice in black sheep of the society.
This most unimaginable destruction of human life, to no purpose whatsoever, struck at the very vital of human-animal.
Nature has been exploited by mankind not just for basic needs, but for pity ones too. Man have lost their lives to human entertainment, they've been killed off apparently "atrociousness of evil man."
Warfare the waging of armed conflict against an enemy war is one activity in which mankind has been involved since very existence.
Women and children suffer unspeakable atrocities in particular million of children and young people worldwide are killed by armed conflict. They are confronted with physical harm, violence, danger, exploitation, fear, and loss.
Adult are busy surviving, parent have little time for their children for there was one thing that was immediately doer to all about the great war-as the generation who fought is called it- and that was this tragedy was a human and wholly local phenomenon. Hundreds of thousand are murdered every year, thousand of million over the past century.
Let have a eye on world war in history.
The world's 3 bloodiest in history.
1.World war II
- Fought from 1939 to 1945, the second world war is the deadliest in history, with over 70 million fatalities.
- The Mongol conquest in Europe is one of the most hostile in history starting in the early 13th century, the Mongol captured almost 20 per cent of earth's land, with the empire spreading over Asia and Eastern Europe.
- The death toll during these conquests was 60 to 70 million. According to a legend about the Mongolian army's bloodthirsty history, it is believed that around 1,00,000 Chinese people committed mass suicide just to avoid being killed by the Mongolians.
- First of the only two global war in history, it is also called the Great War.
- The first world war was fought from 1914 to 1918, claiming 17 million lives.
- It resulted in the victory of Britain, France, and Russia over Germany, Italy, Austria, and Hungary.
" Many ingenious lovely things are gone that seemed a sheer miracle to the multitude." _W.B.Yeats
We live in a war culture that promotes violence, in which competition is a way of life. After the rate of death in prehistory. Did human discontinue from killing?
No doubt, it will continue till the end of human existence.
No offence against another human being inflicts greater cost than killing. Simply put, its bad to dead. Yet oblivious killers on earth. Human has killing each other for over 10.000 years.
Thousand of lives lost their soul by hitman or manslayer.
Get a load on this brutal murderer.
Do they fail to recognize the inherent humanity of their victim, or do their acts represent excess mortality, a morality that can be satisfied only by punishing a fellow human?
What's the motive that spurs on this violence?
Adele Kirsten from Gun free South Africa.
In South Africa, 83 per cent of gunshot are killed, and of women victim of the gun homicide, 63 per cent are killed with a single shot, most often to the head and face.
Due to the existence of human-animals, earth becomes a death squad ground. Dead bodies, a trait of grief, and thirst for vengeance lie in their wake. Slaughter is a defining behaviour of our species.
"We killed our own, and we kill all other creatures. Violence exists in the animal world, of course, but on a far different scale. We kill our family members, our children, our parents, our spouses, our brothers and sister, our cousins and in-law. We kill an unborn human. We kill strangers. We kill people who are different from us, in appearance, belief, race, and social status. We kill ourselves in suicide. We kill for advantage and revenge, we kill for entertainment.
Children kill children, in school and on the playground . Grandparents, parents, father, another-all ,kind of them are the targets of killing."
- R. Douglas Filds, Why we snap. p.286, 2016
- Our Enemies are human. That's why we want to kill them. By Tage Rai. Peircarlo Valdesolo, and Jesse Graham. August 18,2017.
- Why we kill women. By Kgaugelo Masweneng -29 may 2018-09:37
- Why Do we hurt Each Other? by Dale M. Kushner, Transcending the past. posted Dec.21,2017
- Holy Bible, King James Version (KJV), Genesis Chapter 1;1&27 page 7&8.
- 10 Greatest Killers of Man. Author KENNETH MEABEE , Nov 2,2012
- 5 Bloodliest wars in world history, https://www. India April 17,2015 UPDATED:OCT 3,2018,18:20 IST.
- Why do we kill other people? David M. Buss 2012
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